Welcome to February CRAZIES!!! The most downer month of the year has passed and now we can really get to some fun stuff! Well, fun if Mardi Gras is your thing, and for quite a few it is, but that's neither here nor there! We're not far off from the more cooler things ahead, but we'll get to that in due time. Right now, some real party animals have shown up and are ready to get wild all month long! So let's kick up our heals and dance with the wild things! Let the rumpus begin! Enjoy...

That's one sneaky simian! Today's theme and this month's themes in general came from Animal Alphabets over on Twitter. On this particular week, an Orangutan was chosen for the letter "O." I took this opportunity to pay tribute to the most legendary resident of the San Diego Zoo, a rascally ape named Ken Allen. His story was one of near tragedy that ultimately ended in triumph as he was rejected at birth by his mother and thus had to be raised by the zoo staff. A most gentle creature, he took on many traits from his human cousins, notably the ability to unlock and open doors! He escaped many times from his enclosure, but was so docile and tame, he would often just hang around and walk among the zoo guests, many of which thought it was a genuine routine! The tourists may have thought it was all part of the show, but us locals would just kinda laugh go "Looks like Kenny got out again!" Ken Allen passed away some time ago, but his gentle nature and wild spirit live on in the offspring he sired and the many hearts he touched in his lifetime. I'm sure he keeps many an angel on their toes these days.
That's one week down in our March towards March that just happens to begin in February. But fear not! We got more animal antics coming from some CRAZY critters, so be sure to come back next week and see what's next! Until then, take care, safe and I'll catch y'all later!
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