The Hippocampus. Pretty much the horse equivalent of a mermaid, they don't get too many appearances in fantasy films. Thankfully, Animal Alphabets respects them and gave them an entire day to be loved and admired by all! Given that "Hippo" is part of their name, I thought it would be funny for it to encounter an actual hippo as the full name of "Hippopotamus" means "River Horse!" See? We learn something new everyday! Hopefully the hippo is mindful of the little snail by the rock!
And that's a wrap on September 2019! Hopefully y'all enjoyed more of these mythical creatures. I plan to rustle up something spooky for October, so be sure to come back, especially next week as we kick things off with pictures from Long Beach Comic Con 2019! Should be a blast! Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!