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Wednesday, June 14, 2017


And we are back!  It's Week 2 of our CRAZY COMIC CON COUNTDOWN, so rather than give a long drawn out intro, I figured we'd just jump right in!  Sound good?  Great!  But first, a little reminder about the Team Cul De Sac Charity Art Auction at Heroes Con this weekend in Charlotte, NC...

If you love original art and wanna help give Parkinson's Disease a swift kick in the butt, then head on down to Heroes Con in Charlotte this weekend and bid on some pieces in the Team Cul De Sac Art Auction!  It's all for a good cause AND you get the chance to own some original CRAZY art!  Pretty cool, eh?  For more info, check out the Team Cul De Sac blog!

Alright, on with the show!  Comic Con 2010, here we come...
The fairly cool Playstation booth.  Of all the gaming companies represented at Comic Con, Sony's the only one that doesn't do a free lounge at one of the hotels.  Nintendo and Xbox have them, but Sony's like "Nah!  Y'all gotta have a badge if y'all wanna see our goods!"  Actually, Xbox's lounge was only free once in all fairness, but still!

If there's one thing the Star Wars prequels gave us, it was plenty of colorful new models of Stormtroopers to marvel at!

The actual Red Fraggle Muppet!  Loved Fraggle Rock so much as a kid.  Too bad The Hub Network dropped the ball big time with it!

I am deathly afraid of heights, but the pursuit of swag makes me do some pretty wild things!  I think this 50ft climb netted me a cardboard shield!

An unused custom title belt meant for the Rock sometime between 1998 and 1999.  Notice the "F" has been filed out of the WWF attitude logo.  It's a nice design, but not fitting of a world championship.  That's my biggest gripe with title belts today.  They look like friggin hood ornaments!  They just don't make them like the classic winged eagle belt anymore.

I know this is from an anime, but don't know which one.  Still, the prop is really cool!

All of Downtown San Diego gets into the spirit of Comic Con!  Even the trolley system, which changed the station signs into Klingon!

This nifty booth was promoting the Alien BluRay release.  People could actually lay inside these things and get the crap scared out of them!  As much as I enjoy a good scare, the line was insanely long.  Plus, some people literally got the crap scared out of them, so it just didn't seem like the cleanest thing to lay down in!

Always cool to see the hotel wraparounds in the Gaslamp!  Most of the movies and games that are promoted on these flop, but they're still fun to look at!

A human My Little Pony!  Little did anyone know that the rebooted show would come out a few months later and unleash an unheard of horror upon society!

Ghostbusters in the Gaslamp!  They ain't scared of no reboot!

The doomed Battle LA experience was one of the first times a studio took advantage of the grassy park areas of the Gaslamp Quarter to give folks who couldn't get in to Comic Con a free experience to enjoy.  The movie may not have been great, but it's the thought that counts!  Now this grassy area has all sorts of events take place at it!

Glad to see these two getting along!

I forget what this was promoting, but it sure looked cool!

And that was Comic Con 2010!  One of my favorite cons ever!  It was the first time they had free events outdoors for all to enjoy, the highlights being The Hub Pavilion at the Marriott and the Clash Of The Titans conquest in the Hilton Park.  These free events have grown since and only continue to get better!

Well, that's all for now folks!  Next week, we travel back to Comic Con 2011, so be sure to come on down and see what hidden gems I've unearthed from that con!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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