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Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Welcome to March my CRAZIES!!!  And welcome back to the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown!  We're off to a pretty good start as we inch ever closer to the big show, now just three weeks away!  Now I know y'all are busy gulping down Shamrock Shakes right now, but it's important to take some time and relive the fun of WonderCons Past!  The year is 2018 and the place is Anaheim, CA.  Cap up those Code Red Mountain Dews folks, because all systems are go!  Enjoy...

When Sarah couldn't find a date to the Goblin King's Ball, she recruited the Caped Crusader to be her Dark Knight!

Assemble your crew...

Hagrid mans one of the many fan tables to be found along the back of Hall B!

Daria didn't seem to be enjoying the crowds all that much, but then again, being miserable is kinda her thing!

These super freaks came to dance!  Ironically enough, Freakazoid premiered roughly around the same time as The Mask animated series as well as the Earthworm Jim cartoon.  With all three shows being very similar in tone and character (Freakazoid and EWJ largely used the same cast and crew and even aired on the same network!), they all kinda cancelled each other out!

This dog seems far more super than Krypto!

Apparently the food courts in Wakanda aren't as relaxing as they are in Anaheim!

When Donatello came down with a bug just days before WonderCon started, the Turtles had to call in some favors to keep the quartet strong!  Luckily, Stephanie was available!

Crow and Tom Servo stopped by the bootleg movie booth to look for new experiments to riff on!

The courtyard outside of the Anaheim Convention Center's entrance is always buzzing with activity!  The perfect spot for cosplay photo ops!

Smee and Hook were out trying to find a crew!

Abe Lincoln, Steampunk Vampire Hunter!  I weep for Hollywood's future...

Would you believe I made it through my entirety of college without ever consuming a single ramen cup?

I leave y'all this week with a frickin' evil genius that FINALLY got his sharks with laser beams attached to their heads...  It's Dr. Evil!

And that was WonderCon 2018!  A fun show with lots of incredible cosplay that I'll always remember best for my buddy Matt Eargle dropping an INSANE amount of money on a few pieces that he was able to justify as tax right offs!  Clearly I need to start paying better attention to some of my impulse buys!

That's all for this first week of March 2025, but fear not CRAZIES!  MUCH more WonderCon fun is on the way this entire month, so be sure to come back next week and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025



WELCOME BACK MY CRAZIES!!!  ARE YOU EXCITED?!?  I SURE AM!!!  Okay, okay, I gotta get a grip on myself, but how can I not be excited?  WonderCon is coming!  One of the best weeks of the year for me is now just a month away and I can hardly contain myself!  But, I must as we have posts to do.  But what better way to tie ourselves over then by revisiting some of the fun from WonderCon's past?  I see no need to drag this on any further, so let's set the Wayback Machine to 2017 and city of Anaheim as we prepare to scroll down and relive the fun, the comics and the cosplay!  Hold on to your Batman Underoos folks.  The CRAZY WonderCon Countdown is on!  Enjoy...

It's hard out here for a Wookie!

Not even a questionable creator can douse the love fans have for the Hogwarts crew.

Just can't get a straight answer out of this one!

Android 18 has no time for nonsense!

Just ain't a WonderCon without the R2 Builders fan group!

Emma Frost was kind enough to pose for pics, but then telepathically froze everybody and robbed them!

This was merely a piece of a costume that took the team (Yes, TEAM!) of handlers close to an hour to get all the pieces past security and then assembled in the courtyard of the Anaheim Convention Center!  The devotion some of these cosplayers have towards their craft is incredible!

Optimus Prime towers high above the exhibit hall crowd.  Apparently so does my arm!

Blue Oyster Cultpool needs more cowbell!

I tried to ask this fella if he was enjoying himself, but he just kept smiling and waddling away!

At WonderCon, and really ANY comic con, it's a good idea to take a moment to catch your breath every once in a while.

Little Master Chief!  Now THAT would made for an interesting Harvey title!

I'm sure Roger Rabbit will be okay with Jessica playing pat-a-cake (Patty Cake) with HIM!!!

And finally, we'll end our trip back to 2017 with a little taste of Halloween from the Sanderson Sisters!  It's wild how popular this movie is now despite being an utter flop when it came out.  In all fairness though, that's largely Disney's fault for releasing a Halloween movie in the middle of Summer!

And that was WonderCon 2017!  A very fun year after having skipped the previous show due to family plans.  Had such a great time that weekend with my pals Riki and Matt.  We did everything and scored some amazing swag and dined at some fine establishments.  This is one I wish I could go back to for real.

And that's a wrap on February 2025 and the first week of the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown 2025!  But fear not!  We got six more weeks of this, so you know we are gonna get March off and running on the right foot!  So be sure to come back next Wednesday and give it a look!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Alright!  Welcome back my CRAZIES!!!  We are a little over a week away from the end of February, but just a week away from the start of something really cool!  But more on that later.  For now, we need to clear the air, and the room, so we can get ready for the coming excitement!  And I got just the critter to do that!  Enjoy...

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
He sprays the dogs in your backyard down!!!

Oh no!  They say he's got to go!
Go go Zorilla!!!

The African cousins to the North American Skunk, the Zorilla is more closely related to weasels and other mustelids whereas skunks have more recently been placed in their own order/family, Mephitidae.  Regardless, both stink and both are not particularly appreciative of human interaction, so its best to just steer clear if you can!  Another theme from the Animal Alphabets collective, this one may have been my favorite to do in 2023.  I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it and had a lot of fun drawing it.  Being a lifelong fan of Kaiju movies, I knew I couldn't pass up an opportunity to add an atomic blast, achieved through colored pencils and thus making this a mixed media piece (The rest was colored with markers)!

And that's all she wrote for February!  Wait a minute, what's going on here?  There's still a whole week left in the month!  What gives?!?  Well, that's a wrap on the art for this month, and for a little while really, but there is a good reason for this.  If you'll check your calendars, y'all will notice a little thing called WonderCon is coming next month.  That's right folks!  Next week, the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown returns, with an extra week added even!  It's always so much fun to relive these past Con experiences with you awesome fans, so be sure to come back and help us start the celebration off right!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


We are back!  And already approaching the halfway point in February!  I know it feels longer but that Spring feeling is already hitting me!  Of course, when you live in San Diego, most days tend to already feel like Spring!  But enough about that, y'all came for some art (I've noticed the increase in views lately and I can't express my gratitude enough!), so let's get to it before we get trampled by the herd!  Enjoy...

Don't talk back, Yak!  Don't you EVER talk back, lest you want an attack from a brat with a tongue like a tack!  Yak's were the theme from this particular Animal Alphabets outing and I was largely inspired by the Shaving Yak from The Ren & Stimpy Show back from Nickelodeon's early-90's heyday.  The way they drew yaks always cracked my brother and me up as kids, so I just kinda ran with it.  Adding the sassy little girl was just a personal touch.  I have found memories of babysitting my cousins and niece when they were little and although I adored them all, they were real mouthy little turds!  Still, they were happy times and now they're all grown up and making their own way in this insane world...

Another one down as we march on towards March. But fear not!  Another piece of CRAZY art is a mere seven days away and this one will leave you breathless!  So be sure to came back and check it out!  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Welcome to February CRAZIES!!!  Hopefully y'all made it out of January no worse for wear and are ready for some Pink Halloween (Valentine's Day) snuggling!  That or eagerly awaiting the return of Shamrock Shakes if you're in my shoes (Hey, a guy needs something to look forward to, am I right?)!  We're going a little wild for the next few weeks as something big is on the horizon, but more on that when the time is right!  For now, let's go do some bird watching and see what we'll find, sound good?  Enjoy...

Well what d'ya know?  We spotted something right off the bat!  It's Xantu's Hummingbird!  A colorful little bird with its striking emerald head and prominent eye stripes, these guys buzz from flower to flower, sipping nectar while also helping flowers get pollinated!  Animal Alphabets over on Twitter (And now BlueSky too!) picked this bright little pal not too long ago as one of its themes.  It was a fun and simple draw, which I was thankful for.  It came at a really busy time!

Well, one week down in the year's shortest month that somehow always feels like the longest.  Late Winter has a way of making things drag on a bit I suppose, but that's not important now!  We'll be back next week with with new art that might have you singing, so be sure to come back and check it out!  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


We've done it!  We've reached the end...  Of January!  What?  Did you think I meant something else?  We still got plenty of fun to be had this month and this year in general, but more on that when the time is right.  Speaking of more, we gotta wrap up our fight again Inflation this month, and we saved quite a doozy for last!  Don't believe me?  Well then, just bounce your way a little further down the page and see for yourself!  Enjoy...

BUBBLE FOX?!?  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?  I mean, I know the Little Princesses are evil and no doubt deserved to be turned into dirigibles, but what did their Goblin Butler ever do to you?!?  This is what happens when you enter a CRAZY contest.  You get a CRAZY prize!  Another Twitter art collective run by Jennifer Cuthbert and myself, this time it was the #CRAZYTalentShow!  We got quite a few entries, all insanely good, but at the end of things, Jennifer and I decided that the piece done by the incredible Nora Racz, featuring her Evil Little Princesses putting on a show, was the best of the bunch!  And so they were given their prize, a year's supply of helium, all at once by Bubble Fox himself!  This was a fun piece to do, but boy did it take awhile to color, especially later when it came time to do Photoshop corrections!  Darker colors are just a straight up pain!  Hopefully these kids didn't get a swelled head over their win, but as far as inflated egos go, these Evil Little Princesses are usually pretty pumped!

And that's a wrap on January 2025 and our Fight Against Inflation for the year!  I can't think of a funnier way to kickoff the new year, well, maybe a whole month of fart jokes instead, but that would likely get old fast.  Be sure to come back next week as we begin a new month with new fun.  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


What the?  Company?  Oh my!  I wasn't expecting visitors today!  What's that you say?  Loons?  You want...  LOONS?!?  Well then, you've certainly come to the right place because we are using good, old fashioned cartoon loons to fight bad inflation with good!  So pull up a chair and relax as I roll up some laughs for you!  Enjoy...

Oh dear!  When Mr. D said he wanted to do some lawn bowling, Jazz and the others should've been a little more cautious about just how extreme the notorious Dalmatian would take things!  A regular bocce ball simply wasn't enough for this daredevil dog, so he downed five canisters of compressed air to become one puffed pooch!  Hope he has some air left because it looks like Libby's in dire need of decompression herself!  And Jazz, y'all are cartoon dogs.  It's best not to question the logic here!  The pooches above belong to my dear friend Janet Gamble, creator of the webcomic Get A Dog's Life, the tale of the world as seen through the eyes of four dogs!  One of those dogs is a rascally Dalmatian named Mr. D, who lives at the firehouse with a bunch of bachelor firefighters and as such has taken on a rather carefree, and frankly dangerous, party lifestyle!  He even dates a similarly dotted racehorse named, wait for it...  DOTS!!!  I'm sure the next time Mr. D tries this stunt, he'll use hydrogen as regular air just isn't intense enough for him!

Well, one more week to go in our fight against inflation!  Will good prevail over evil or are we all doomed to be enveloped by the bloated bodies of our own excesses?!?  Come back next week and see!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Back for more are we?  Well then, you've certainly come to the right place as we got MORE of EVERYTHING this month as we continue our Battle Against Inflation, which in and of itself is all about more to begin with!  Well then, now that I've grossly inflated this paragraph, let's say we float down and see what artistic masterpiece (HA!!!) is in store for us today, shall we?  Enjoy...

Bubble and his pals sure know how to have fun.  Why parasail when you can para-loon?!?  Willow may not get it, but Pepper and Charlie sure do!  They stayed puffed for hours, enjoying fun in the sun and even taking a bounce or two among the waves!  I think that shark and octopus might be a little jealous that they didn't get to have a few turns themselves!  Eventually, all that helium came to pass, leading to Pepper and Charlie having the squeakiest farting contest ever!  This piece is from another art collective that Jennifer Cuthbert and I hosted on Twitter last summer called the #CRAZYSummerBlowup!  In it, artists are challenged to draw their characters either inflated into beach/pool toys or just having some summer fun in general!  This piece was a lot of fun to draw and features a very rare shot of Bubble Fox front-facing!  Can't thank Jimmy Gownley enough for showing me how its done!

Well, another week down as we are already at the halfway mark for January, but our fight against inflation is far from over because next week, it's all going to the dogs!  So be sure to come back and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


WE ARE BACK CRAZIES!!!  51 weeks to go in this year 2025, so we may as well get to the meat of the matter: INFLATION!!!  It's not a good thing in an economy that will likely get even more volatile in the coming years.  As a cartoonist though, it is among our best tricks at getting somebody to laugh, and starting today, the CRAZYVERSE's annual Fight Against Inflation returns in an effort to bring more smiles and fight bad bloating with good bloating in the coming weeks!  So let's quit chewing the fat and float in with the Helium Hijinks!  Enjoy...

Uh oh Bubble!  Head official Gully is on to your scheme to give your pole vaulters more of a lift at the CRAZY Summer Olympics!  Just a pity your methods worked a little TOO well!  Sap, Clover and Mooch floated all the way to the Alps before finally being rescued and deflated and returned to Paris to watch the rest of the games!  Today's art was part of the #CRAZYOlympics art collective that Jennifer Cuthbert and I hosted on Twitter last July!  A fun effort that saw cartoonists from all over the world draw their characters performing in popular (And not so popular) Olympic Events.  Here, Bubble Fox was hoping to coach the Ragtags to Olympic glory, but his use of Performance Enhancing Gasses (PEGs) led to disgrace!  In a funny turn of events, my good pal Shaylee Robson sketched a few quick revenge doodles that saw her character, Invisibella, rescue the Ragtags while also giving Bubble his just desserts!  Eventually I'll share these hilarious pieces with the CRAZY faithful, but for now, let this be evidence that cheaters never prosper, unless they're politicians of course!

Well, that's all for now, but be sure to come back next week for even more puffed posteriors as our fight against Inflation continues!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Happy New Year CRAZIES!!!  I'll keep things brief again as we all got a lot going on today no doubt.  Obviously, a lot of us aren't feeling too hopeful about the future right now, and for good reason.  I don't know what lies ahead for sure, but I know that no matter what happens, I will continue to publish my art and my comics.  I know that I will continue to work hard and earn an honest living.  I know that I will try my best to be there for my family and my friends when they need me and I know I will try my best to be a good person.  There are a lot of bad things in the world right now.  Some of it will never go away, sadly.  But if we as a people find ways to better ourselves and not let hatred keep winning, then we can turn things around and we will turn things around.  Never lose hope and always strive to do what's right.  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later.