Alright CRAZIES!!! One week to go before WonderCon 2025! Obviously, excitement is reaching a fever pitch here at the CRAZYVERSE, so I think it might be best to just get straight to the pics so that we can all kinda level out here. Strap up those Rainbow Suspenders folks, because the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown is a go! Enjoy...
The first big con post-Covid saw a lot of changes, namely masks being in play. And you know what? No cases appeared to be traced back to it, so I'll call that a success! Also, LOTS of Spiderman variants that year!
Never realized Lydia Deitz had a bridesmaid and best man at her wedding!
Cannot begin to tell you how much I missed all the various cosplay mashups happening outside of the convention center. It was a long three years between 2019 and 2022. So thankful it's back now!
Of all the characters to do a sexy version of, Lord Farquaad certainly has to be among the most out of left field choices!
Since coming back from Covid, Bandai and their associated brands have really upped their game as far as their booths go! Their SDCC setups in particular have been very impressive!
Startling that Disney owns BOTH of these properties now and that there is nothing legally stopping a Rocky Horror/X-Men crossover!
Belle was the Belle of the Con!
Mr. Oogie Boogie says you ain't goin' nowhere! Until he's done with his Boogie Song!
The Penguin wants your vote! Frankly, he's more trustworthy than some!
Always love it when families the extra mile with their cosplay!
Cool but crude!
Man, Orange County seriously needs to get their chemical dumping in check. These grouchy, mutant, garbage monsters are becoming quite the nuisance!
Thorbowski abides!
Let's end things this week on an uplifting note with a gaggle of cosplayers dancing to Uptown Funk!
And that was WonderCon 2022! It was a nice, if not low-key, return to normalcy. Obviously, people were still very weary of things, and rightfully so, but overall, it was an enjoyable weekend. In many ways, it felt like a family reunion. As long as it had been since the last show, we all just fell back into it like no time had passed.
Alright folks, one week to go until WonderCon! We'll be back a bit earlier than usual next week as I'll be busy getting ready and driving up to Anaheim! So be sure to come back and check it out! Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!