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Wednesday, March 19, 2025



Alright CRAZIES!!!  One week to go before WonderCon 2025!  Obviously, excitement is reaching a fever pitch here at the CRAZYVERSE, so I think it might be best to just get straight to the pics so that we can all kinda level out here.  Strap up those Rainbow Suspenders folks, because the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown is a go!  Enjoy...

The first big con post-Covid saw a lot of changes, namely masks being in play.  And you know what?  No cases appeared to be traced back to it, so I'll call that a success!  Also, LOTS of Spiderman variants that year!

Never realized Lydia Deitz had a bridesmaid and best man at her wedding!

Cannot begin to tell you how much I missed all the various cosplay mashups happening outside of the convention center.  It was a long three years between 2019 and 2022.  So thankful it's back now!

Of all the characters to do a sexy version of, Lord Farquaad certainly has to be among the most out of left field choices!

Since coming back from Covid, Bandai and their associated brands have really upped their game as far as their booths go!  Their SDCC setups in particular have been very impressive!

Startling that Disney owns BOTH of these properties now and that there is nothing legally stopping a Rocky Horror/X-Men crossover!

Belle was the Belle of the Con!

Mr. Oogie Boogie says you ain't goin' nowhere!  Until he's done with his Boogie Song!

The Penguin wants your vote!  Frankly, he's more trustworthy than some!

Always love it when families the extra mile with their cosplay!

Cool but crude!

Man, Orange County seriously needs to get their chemical dumping in check.  These grouchy, mutant, garbage monsters are becoming quite the nuisance!

Thorbowski abides!

Let's end things this week on an uplifting note with a gaggle of cosplayers dancing to Uptown Funk!

And that was WonderCon 2022!  It was a nice, if not low-key, return to normalcy.  Obviously, people were still very weary of things, and rightfully so, but overall, it was an enjoyable weekend.  In many ways, it felt like a family reunion.  As long as it had been since the last show, we all just fell back into it like no time had passed.

Alright folks, one week to go until WonderCon!  We'll be back a bit earlier than usual next week as I'll be busy getting ready and driving up to Anaheim!  So be sure to come back and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Welcome back CRAZIES!!!  TWO!!!  TWO WEEKS UNTIL WONDERCON!!!  AH HA HAAA!!!  Sorry, I'm in a bit of a counting mood as we inch closer to the big weekend!  I don't know about y'all, but I am ready to get my con season started!  But we still have a little bit of a wait before us, so in the meantime, how about we get to the pics?  Hold on to your novelty print Hawaiian shirts, because the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown Continues!  Enjoy...

The Undertaker sent chills down the aisles of the Anaheim Convention Center that weekend!

Forrest Gump might wanna go have a chat with the manager of the Bubba-Gump Shrimp restaurant on Katella because that joint is a mess!

BB-8 meets a young admirer!

When he's not trying to turn Gotham into a popsicle, Mr. Freeze is actually a pretty chill dude!

That's not Peter Parker Doc Oc!

Party on dudes!

I'm pretty sure this is entirely inappropriate, but it had the whole crowd gathered around watching cracking up!  Also, bonus points for bringing the Radio from The Brave Little Toaster into it!

While student at Hogwarts are treated to the feasts of the Great Hall, the faculty have to rely on food trucks.  No wonder so many teachers there keep defecting to Voldemort!

You know it's a big deal when April's covering the convention!  To this day though, I've still never been able to figure out why a news anchor would be wearing a jumpsuit while reporting the news?  Maybe April's bosses didn't like her and were planning to launch her into space?

The Hulk was making new friends all weekend long!

Damn...  Waldo ain't even trying anymore!

Forget recess, it's snack time!

How callous has humanity become?  Dorothy is clearly in trouble here and not one person came to her aid, despite the throngs of bystanders!

We'll end things this week the same way WonderCon ended in 2019: With a fun, impromptu cosplay dance party in the Fountain Courtyard!

And that was WonderCon 2019!  Admittedly, I was having a very rough go heading into the show that year, and a lot of those troubles followed me there.  It seemed I didn't really have any fun until the very end.  And true to form, a lot of the troubles went away not long AFTER I came home!  Funny how it always seems to work out that way, no?  Still, the show itself was good and I did pick up some cool finds and classic comics.  And the impromptu cosplay dance parties happening out front were a true highlight!  If they could find a safe spot in Downtown San Diego to do those at SDCC, then they could REALLY ramp up the fun even further!

Well, that's another week down as we get closer and closer to WonderCon!  We'll be back next time to keep your fix going as the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown makes a rather large leap to 2022!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Welcome to March my CRAZIES!!!  And welcome back to the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown!  We're off to a pretty good start as we inch ever closer to the big show, now just three weeks away!  Now I know y'all are busy gulping down Shamrock Shakes right now, but it's important to take some time and relive the fun of WonderCons Past!  The year is 2018 and the place is Anaheim, CA.  Cap up those Code Red Mountain Dews folks, because all systems are go!  Enjoy...

When Sarah couldn't find a date to the Goblin King's Ball, she recruited the Caped Crusader to be her Dark Knight!

Assemble your crew...

Hagrid mans one of the many fan tables to be found along the back of Hall B!

Daria didn't seem to be enjoying the crowds all that much, but then again, being miserable is kinda her thing!

These super freaks came to dance!  Ironically enough, Freakazoid premiered roughly around the same time as The Mask animated series as well as the Earthworm Jim cartoon.  With all three shows being very similar in tone and character (Freakazoid and EWJ largely used the same cast and crew and even aired on the same network!), they all kinda cancelled each other out!

This dog seems far more super than Krypto!

Apparently the food courts in Wakanda aren't as relaxing as they are in Anaheim!

When Donatello came down with a bug just days before WonderCon started, the Turtles had to call in some favors to keep the quartet strong!  Luckily, Stephanie was available!

Crow and Tom Servo stopped by the bootleg movie booth to look for new experiments to riff on!

The courtyard outside of the Anaheim Convention Center's entrance is always buzzing with activity!  The perfect spot for cosplay photo ops!

Smee and Hook were out trying to find a crew!

Abe Lincoln, Steampunk Vampire Hunter!  I weep for Hollywood's future...

Would you believe I made it through my entirety of college without ever consuming a single ramen cup?

I leave y'all this week with a frickin' evil genius that FINALLY got his sharks with laser beams attached to their heads...  It's Dr. Evil!

And that was WonderCon 2018!  A fun show with lots of incredible cosplay that I'll always remember best for my buddy Matt Eargle dropping an INSANE amount of money on a few pieces that he was able to justify as tax right offs!  Clearly I need to start paying better attention to some of my impulse buys!

That's all for this first week of March 2025, but fear not CRAZIES!  MUCH more WonderCon fun is on the way this entire month, so be sure to come back next week and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025



WELCOME BACK MY CRAZIES!!!  ARE YOU EXCITED?!?  I SURE AM!!!  Okay, okay, I gotta get a grip on myself, but how can I not be excited?  WonderCon is coming!  One of the best weeks of the year for me is now just a month away and I can hardly contain myself!  But, I must as we have posts to do.  But what better way to tie ourselves over then by revisiting some of the fun from WonderCon's past?  I see no need to drag this on any further, so let's set the Wayback Machine to 2017 and city of Anaheim as we prepare to scroll down and relive the fun, the comics and the cosplay!  Hold on to your Batman Underoos folks.  The CRAZY WonderCon Countdown is on!  Enjoy...

It's hard out here for a Wookie!

Not even a questionable creator can douse the love fans have for the Hogwarts crew.

Just can't get a straight answer out of this one!

Android 18 has no time for nonsense!

Just ain't a WonderCon without the R2 Builders fan group!

Emma Frost was kind enough to pose for pics, but then telepathically froze everybody and robbed them!

This was merely a piece of a costume that took the team (Yes, TEAM!) of handlers close to an hour to get all the pieces past security and then assembled in the courtyard of the Anaheim Convention Center!  The devotion some of these cosplayers have towards their craft is incredible!

Optimus Prime towers high above the exhibit hall crowd.  Apparently so does my arm!

Blue Oyster Cultpool needs more cowbell!

I tried to ask this fella if he was enjoying himself, but he just kept smiling and waddling away!

At WonderCon, and really ANY comic con, it's a good idea to take a moment to catch your breath every once in a while.

Little Master Chief!  Now THAT would made for an interesting Harvey title!

I'm sure Roger Rabbit will be okay with Jessica playing pat-a-cake (Patty Cake) with HIM!!!

And finally, we'll end our trip back to 2017 with a little taste of Halloween from the Sanderson Sisters!  It's wild how popular this movie is now despite being an utter flop when it came out.  In all fairness though, that's largely Disney's fault for releasing a Halloween movie in the middle of Summer!

And that was WonderCon 2017!  A very fun year after having skipped the previous show due to family plans.  Had such a great time that weekend with my pals Riki and Matt.  We did everything and scored some amazing swag and dined at some fine establishments.  This is one I wish I could go back to for real.

And that's a wrap on February 2025 and the first week of the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown 2025!  But fear not!  We got six more weeks of this, so you know we are gonna get March off and running on the right foot!  So be sure to come back next Wednesday and give it a look!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!