We've done it! We've reached the end... Of January! What? Did you think I meant something else? We still got plenty of fun to be had this month and this year in general, but more on that when the time is right. Speaking of more, we gotta wrap up our fight again Inflation this month, and we saved quite a doozy for last! Don't believe me? Well then, just bounce your way a little further down the page and see for yourself! Enjoy...

BUBBLE FOX?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? I mean, I know the Little Princesses are evil and no doubt deserved to be turned into dirigibles, but what did their Goblin Butler ever do to you?!? This is what happens when you enter a CRAZY contest. You get a CRAZY prize! Another Twitter art collective run by Jennifer Cuthbert and myself, this time it was the #CRAZYTalentShow! We got quite a few entries, all insanely good, but at the end of things, Jennifer and I decided that the piece done by the incredible Nora Racz, featuring her Evil Little Princesses putting on a show, was the best of the bunch! And so they were given their prize, a year's supply of helium, all at once by Bubble Fox himself! This was a fun piece to do, but boy did it take awhile to color, especially later when it came time to do Photoshop corrections! Darker colors are just a straight up pain! Hopefully these kids didn't get a swelled head over their win, but as far as inflated egos go, these Evil Little Princesses are usually pretty pumped!
And that's a wrap on January 2025 and our Fight Against Inflation for the year! I can't think of a funnier way to kickoff the new year, well, maybe a whole month of fart jokes instead, but that would likely get old fast. Be sure to come back next week as we begin a new month with new fun. Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!