Now "Popping" at the CRAZY Forest! Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


We are almost there CRAZIES!!!  Halfway to Halloween!  And the call of turkey and sleigh bells aren't too far off either, but that's for another time!  Right now, these pumpkins we're made for carving, and that's just what we'll do!  We got another horror icon waiting in the wings and he's a bit blue that we haven't gotten to him yet, so lets get to it!  Enjoy...

The Metaluna Mutant!  An icon of early SciFi cinema, he's certainly got his fans.  So much so that there was actually a bit of backlash towards the MST3K crew when they riffed on it for Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie back in 1996!  If you take into account that A) It came out in the 1950's, a time when special effects were practically still being invented, and B) It was low budget to begin with, the movie was better than it had any right to be.  I feel MST3K's criticisms of story elements and such were fair, as it is cheesy as all get out.  But it's also one of the better films to get the Satellite of Love treatment and there were definitely more deserving titles out there.  I will say though, the film's low budget and inventing-wheel-still special effects are nowhere more evident than with the Metaluna Mutant.  I didn't just halfass the mutant's bottom half.  He LITERALLY looks unfinished in the movie too!  In someways, he set a trend.  Plenty of movie villains wear sweatpants now too!

Another one down as the Witching Hour gets closer and closer!  But before that can happen, we still gotta get through a few more posts, so be sure to come back and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


We're back and getting more and more excited as the night of the pumpkin draws near!  At this point I'm hoping to have my yard display set up, but I've been seriously lagging in other areas lately, so, fingers crossed!  One of these days, I'll do an in depth post on how I put it all together and build the props, but that's for another day.  Y'all want art AND monsters, and I'm gonna deliver!  Our next CRAZY legend is here and ready to get spooked!  Enjoy...

No need to hunch over dear readers.  Quasimodo has entered the party scene and believe me, he is PUMPED for Halloween!  Few literary buffs realize just how practical Quasi's hunch truly is.  In addition to it supplementing his personality, it also servers as a crash pad and floatation device!  Yeah, I'm glad Quasimodo accepted our invitation.  The party was a bit flat without him!

Well, another week down as we get closer to the night of all things spooky!  But we still got plenty of fun left to be had, so be sure to come back and see who will show up next!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Welcome to October CRAZIES!!!  We're already deep into the Spooking Season, but now we're REALLY amping up the creepy factor as Halloween is that much closer!  And how is the CRAZYVERSE getting ready for the big day?  By inviting some horror legends to come get CRAZY with us!  Our first guest is even here already!  Who is it?  Scroll down and see for yourself!  Enjoy...

Hey hey!  It's Ludo, the gentle giant of Jim Henson's classic fantasy film, Labyrinth!  Granted, it's not a horror flick, but those goblins (Not to mention David Bowie's, er, Major Tom) gave quite a few kids nightmares back in the day.  Luckily, we all grew up to be well adjusted adults who now appreciate just how wonderful Henson's fantasy epics truly were!  Here, Ludo displays his amazing ability to command rocks.  Wonder if this means he can command THE Rock?  Guess we'll learn in the future when this movie gets inevitably remade!

Well, that's it for this week, but we'll be back next time with another legend of fantasy and horror as the CRAZY march to Halloween continues!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!