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Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Welcome back CRAZIES!!!  TWO!!!  TWO WEEKS UNTIL WONDERCON!!!  AH HA HAAA!!!  Sorry, I'm in a bit of a counting mood as we inch closer to the big weekend!  I don't know about y'all, but I am ready to get my con season started!  But we still have a little bit of a wait before us, so in the meantime, how about we get to the pics?  Hold on to your novelty print Hawaiian shirts, because the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown Continues!  Enjoy...

The Undertaker sent chills down the aisles of the Anaheim Convention Center that weekend!

Forrest Gump might wanna go have a chat with the manager of the Bubba-Gump Shrimp restaurant on Katella because that joint is a mess!

BB-8 meets a young admirer!

When he's not trying to turn Gotham into a popsicle, Mr. Freeze is actually a pretty chill dude!

That's not Peter Parker Doc Oc!

Party on dudes!

I'm pretty sure this is entirely inappropriate, but it had the whole crowd gathered around watching cracking up!  Also, bonus points for bringing the Radio from The Brave Little Toaster into it!

While student at Hogwarts are treated to the feasts of the Great Hall, the faculty have to rely on food trucks.  No wonder so many teachers there keep defecting to Voldemort!

You know it's a big deal when April's covering the convention!  To this day though, I've still never been able to figure out why a news anchor would be wearing a jumpsuit while reporting the news?  Maybe April's bosses didn't like her and were planning to launch her into space?

The Hulk was making new friends all weekend long!

Damn...  Waldo ain't even trying anymore!

Forget recess, it's snack time!

How callous has humanity become?  Dorothy is clearly in trouble here and not one person came to her aid, despite the throngs of bystanders!

We'll end things this week the same way WonderCon ended in 2019: With a fun, impromptu cosplay dance party in the Fountain Courtyard!

And that was WonderCon 2019!  Admittedly, I was having a very rough go heading into the show that year, and a lot of those troubles followed me there.  It seemed I didn't really have any fun until the very end.  And true to form, a lot of the troubles went away not long AFTER I came home!  Funny how it always seems to work out that way, no?  Still, the show itself was good and I did pick up some cool finds and classic comics.  And the impromptu cosplay dance parties happening out front were a true highlight!  If they could find a safe spot in Downtown San Diego to do those at SDCC, then they could REALLY ramp up the fun even further!

Well, that's another week down as we get closer and closer to WonderCon!  We'll be back next time to keep your fix going as the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown makes a rather large leap to 2022!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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