We are back! Hard to believe the spooking season is literally knocking on our door already! Granted, it's already been Halloween at most arts and crafts stores since before the 4th of July even, but that's neither here nor there. It's still summer dammit and as such, it is the time for summertime fun! Childhood fun! And what's more childhood than blowing bubbles? Popping balloons you say? According to Professor Google balloon popping is indeed considered a tradition of sorts, albeit an old one, but it still counts! Can the two pastimes be combined with Bubble Fox fan art? Scroll down and find out!

Uh oh! Looks like that darn silly Bubble Fox has gotten some more of his friends into some danger involving helium and sharp objects! Given his reputation, you'd think more pals within the realm of webcomics would be very wary of hanging out with Bubble, but I suppose some lessons must be learned firsthand! Those claws look sharp too! Might be time to start thinking about burping or farting boys because those are the only other options for escape! Geoff Munn's been a pal for years, having first connected on Twitter and thankfully keeping things going on BlueSky (Geoff's the one who gave me an invite code!). His comic, #Parenting, has long been a favorite, highlighting the silly, often surreal things one encounters while raising children. From yard peeing to kazoo irritants, the comic covers it all! Geoff's boys were all little dudes when he started, with his youngest not even being born yet! Now they are all maturing into slightly bigger dudes with personalities as wacky as their old man's! I should also note that my favorite trope of this comic is how each boy starts out with dot pupils that grow into full-on eyeballs as the characters age! It's small touches like that that add to the humor and sweetness of Geoff's work. When Geoff began offering commissions earlier this year, I knew I had to get a piece with Bubble interacting with his characters, and he delivered BIG!!! Thanks again Geoff! You, Bubble and the boys have never looked so buoyant!
Well, another week down as we march towards Fall. But I promise we'll end the Summer on a high note, so come back next week for a DOUBLE dose of fun as Bubble PUMPS up the laughs! Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!
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