Now "Popping" at the CRAZY Forest! Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Well, it finally happened.  After nearly three years, I finally got some guest strips!  Who, you might ask, was CRAZY enough to actually want to attempt to do a guest strip for Mike and Mindy?  Why some CRAZY gals known for their own CRAZY strips here on the Interwebs!  That's right folks, the CRAZYVERSE! has been taken over by girls!  Now I know why the sky's been pink, everything's gotten frilly and all these damn Unicorns keep invading my yard!  I wouldn't mind it so much if the Unicorns would quit farting rainbows!  Just because they're more colorful doesn't make 'em any less smelly!

So let's jump right in and see some new interpretations of the Spike Head and the Ponytail!  Let the Girl Power commence! 

 First, we have Jackie Tse (aka jACKEt) of the comic Many Dull Knives, another CRAZY gal and good Twitter friend!  This piece is hands down one of my favorites!  Everything about it, from the colors to the design to the gag just brought a huge smile to my face.  She even retained the tykes' humongous eyes!  I especially like how Mike goes black and white during the race!  Good thing he didn't run at Ludicrous Speed!  And using the panel border as a prop... GENIUS!!!

Last up, another great Twitter pal (and CCE veteran) Michele Hernandez, of Kat Daycare, sent in this follow up to the Crazy Cartoon Experiment!  She based it on both her entry and mine, which featured a scorpion among the dessert critters watching the sad fate of an inflated, cactus-bound dog!  Here, EVERYBODY'S trying to get away from the living Cactus, who was introduced in her piece!  Michelle is one of the best cartoonists on the web and one of my favorites to chat with on Twitter!  We are also now full-fledged Egg Cream addicts thanks to Karen Gownley!  To see more of Michelle's awesome work, click here and here!

And so ends another post here at the CRAZYVERSE!  I'll be back next time with all new adventures from Mike and Mindy and Mushrooms!  This was a great month!  Every single post was art related!  I must say, this is a really proud day for me.  This is the first time I've ever handed over the keys to the kingdom to other artists.  And I couldn't be happier with the results!  It's wild to see others take on my characters!  Thanks again to jACKEt for doing these for me! I hope you had as much fun drawing them as I did reading them, even if you did make Mike the victim in your 'toon!  And thanks again to Michelle for the great CCE follow up piece!  I hope that Cactus doesn't come after us next!  I got something special coming your way soon!  It will be EGG-cellent!  Take care, and I'll catch y'all next time!  And one more thing:  Will one of you gals please come get these Unicorns?!  They're stinkin' up the joint!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, great stuff again. You guys surely made sure I've good mood today despite everything. The best I liked the strip from Jackie Tse, the idea is fresh and good. LIKE!
