Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Back for more are we?  Well then, you've certainly come to the right place as we got MORE of EVERYTHING this month as we continue our Battle Against Inflation, which in and of itself is all about more to begin with!  Well then, now that I've grossly inflated this paragraph, let's say we float down and see what artistic masterpiece (HA!!!) is in store for us today, shall we?  Enjoy...

Bubble and his pals sure know how to have fun.  Why parasail when you can para-loon?!?  Willow may not get it, but Pepper and Charlie sure do!  They stayed puffed for hours, enjoying fun in the sun and even taking a bounce or two among the waves!  I think that shark and octopus might be a little jealous that they didn't get to have a few turns themselves!  Eventually, all that helium came to pass, leading to Pepper and Charlie having the squeakiest farting contest ever!  This piece is from another art collective that Jennifer Cuthbert and I hosted on Twitter last summer called the #CRAZYSummerBlowup!  In it, artists are challenged to draw their characters either inflated into beach/pool toys or just having some summer fun in general!  This piece was a lot of fun to draw and features a very rare shot of Bubble Fox front-facing!  Can't thank Jimmy Gownley enough for showing me how its done!

Well, another week down as we are already at the halfway mark for January, but our fight against inflation is far from over because next week, it's all going to the dogs!  So be sure to come back and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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