Wednesday, January 22, 2025


What the?  Company?  Oh my!  I wasn't expecting visitors today!  What's that you say?  Loons?  You want...  LOONS?!?  Well then, you've certainly come to the right place because we are using good, old fashioned cartoon loons to fight bad inflation with good!  So pull up a chair and relax as I roll up some laughs for you!  Enjoy...

Oh dear!  When Mr. D said he wanted to do some lawn bowling, Jazz and the others should've been a little more cautious about just how extreme the notorious Dalmatian would take things!  A regular bocce ball simply wasn't enough for this daredevil dog, so he downed five canisters of compressed air to become one puffed pooch!  Hope he has some air left because it looks like Libby's in dire need of decompression herself!  And Jazz, y'all are cartoon dogs.  It's best not to question the logic here!  The pooches above belong to my dear friend Janet Gamble, creator of the webcomic Get A Dog's Life, the tale of the world as seen through the eyes of four dogs!  One of those dogs is a rascally Dalmatian named Mr. D, who lives at the firehouse with a bunch of bachelor firefighters and as such has taken on a rather carefree, and frankly dangerous, party lifestyle!  He even dates a similarly dotted racehorse named, wait for it...  DOTS!!!  I'm sure the next time Mr. D tries this stunt, he'll use hydrogen as regular air just isn't intense enough for him!

Well, one more week to go in our fight against inflation!  Will good prevail over evil or are we all doomed to be enveloped by the bloated bodies of our own excesses?!?  Come back next week and see!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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