Wednesday, January 8, 2025


WE ARE BACK CRAZIES!!!  51 weeks to go in this year 2025, so we may as well get to the meat of the matter: INFLATION!!!  It's not a good thing in an economy that will likely get even more volatile in the coming years.  As a cartoonist though, it is among our best tricks at getting somebody to laugh, and starting today, the CRAZYVERSE's annual Fight Against Inflation returns in an effort to bring more smiles and fight bad bloating with good bloating in the coming weeks!  So let's quit chewing the fat and float in with the Helium Hijinks!  Enjoy...

Uh oh Bubble!  Head official Gully is on to your scheme to give your pole vaulters more of a lift at the CRAZY Summer Olympics!  Just a pity your methods worked a little TOO well!  Sap, Clover and Mooch floated all the way to the Alps before finally being rescued and deflated and returned to Paris to watch the rest of the games!  Today's art was part of the #CRAZYOlympics art collective that Jennifer Cuthbert and I hosted on Twitter last July!  A fun effort that saw cartoonists from all over the world draw their characters performing in popular (And not so popular) Olympic Events.  Here, Bubble Fox was hoping to coach the Ragtags to Olympic glory, but his use of Performance Enhancing Gasses (PEGs) led to disgrace!  In a funny turn of events, my good pal Shaylee Robson sketched a few quick revenge doodles that saw her character, Invisibella, rescue the Ragtags while also giving Bubble his just desserts!  Eventually I'll share these hilarious pieces with the CRAZY faithful, but for now, let this be evidence that cheaters never prosper, unless they're politicians of course!

Well, that's all for now, but be sure to come back next week for even more puffed posteriors as our fight against Inflation continues!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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