Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Alright!  Welcome back my CRAZIES!!!  We are a little over a week away from the end of February, but just a week away from the start of something really cool!  But more on that later.  For now, we need to clear the air, and the room, so we can get ready for the coming excitement!  And I got just the critter to do that!  Enjoy...

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
He sprays the dogs in your backyard down!!!

Oh no!  They say he's got to go!
Go go Zorilla!!!

The African cousins to the North American Skunk, the Zorilla is more closely related to weasels and other mustelids whereas skunks have more recently been placed in their own order/family, Mephitidae.  Regardless, both stink and both are not particularly appreciative of human interaction, so its best to just steer clear if you can!  Another theme from the Animal Alphabets collective, this one may have been my favorite to do in 2023.  I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it and had a lot of fun drawing it.  Being a lifelong fan of Kaiju movies, I knew I couldn't pass up an opportunity to add an atomic blast, achieved through colored pencils and thus making this a mixed media piece (The rest was colored with markers)!

And that's all she wrote for February!  Wait a minute, what's going on here?  There's still a whole week left in the month!  What gives?!?  Well, that's a wrap on the art for this month, and for a little while really, but there is a good reason for this.  If you'll check your calendars, y'all will notice a little thing called WonderCon is coming next month.  That's right folks!  Next week, the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown returns, with an extra week added even!  It's always so much fun to relive these past Con experiences with you awesome fans, so be sure to come back and help us start the celebration off right!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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