Wednesday, February 26, 2025



WELCOME BACK MY CRAZIES!!!  ARE YOU EXCITED?!?  I SURE AM!!!  Okay, okay, I gotta get a grip on myself, but how can I not be excited?  WonderCon is coming!  One of the best weeks of the year for me is now just a month away and I can hardly contain myself!  But, I must as we have posts to do.  But what better way to tie ourselves over then by revisiting some of the fun from WonderCon's past?  I see no need to drag this on any further, so let's set the Wayback Machine to 2017 and city of Anaheim as we prepare to scroll down and relive the fun, the comics and the cosplay!  Hold on to your Batman Underoos folks.  The CRAZY WonderCon Countdown is on!  Enjoy...

It's hard out here for a Wookie!

Not even a questionable creator can douse the love fans have for the Hogwarts crew.

Just can't get a straight answer out of this one!

Android 18 has no time for nonsense!

Just ain't a WonderCon without the R2 Builders fan group!

Emma Frost was kind enough to pose for pics, but then telepathically froze everybody and robbed them!

This was merely a piece of a costume that took the team (Yes, TEAM!) of handlers close to an hour to get all the pieces past security and then assembled in the courtyard of the Anaheim Convention Center!  The devotion some of these cosplayers have towards their craft is incredible!

Optimus Prime towers high above the exhibit hall crowd.  Apparently so does my arm!

Blue Oyster Cultpool needs more cowbell!

I tried to ask this fella if he was enjoying himself, but he just kept smiling and waddling away!

At WonderCon, and really ANY comic con, it's a good idea to take a moment to catch your breath every once in a while.

Little Master Chief!  Now THAT would made for an interesting Harvey title!

I'm sure Roger Rabbit will be okay with Jessica playing pat-a-cake (Patty Cake) with HIM!!!

And finally, we'll end our trip back to 2017 with a little taste of Halloween from the Sanderson Sisters!  It's wild how popular this movie is now despite being an utter flop when it came out.  In all fairness though, that's largely Disney's fault for releasing a Halloween movie in the middle of Summer!

And that was WonderCon 2017!  A very fun year after having skipped the previous show due to family plans.  Had such a great time that weekend with my pals Riki and Matt.  We did everything and scored some amazing swag and dined at some fine establishments.  This is one I wish I could go back to for real.

And that's a wrap on February 2025 and the first week of the CRAZY WonderCon Countdown 2025!  But fear not!  We got six more weeks of this, so you know we are gonna get March off and running on the right foot!  So be sure to come back next Wednesday and give it a look!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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