Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Welcome back CRAZIES!!!  This is DJ Cray-Z playing all your top cartoon hits at blog station CRZY FM!  Okay, enough with the silliness!  Y'all didn't come here to see me live out my fantasies.  Well, actually, you kinda did, but that's neither here nor there!  Y'all want art and I'm gonna deliver!  So let's skip getting our feet wet and dive right in to the new post!  Enjoy...

Blue whales.  THE largest creatures on earth.  Gentle giants who've been wrongly hunted for centuries, they've bounced back somewhat in recent decades.  Hopefully their numbers will continue to grow so future generations can marvel at them.  And at that size, there is a LOT to marvel at!  Another piece for Animal Alphabets, this one was a lot of fun to do.  Blue is one of my my favorite colors, so it was fun to play with the different shades.  And don't worry too much about the water's temperature.  Blue whale blubber is very insulating!

Another week down as our quest for CRAZY Critters continues!  Be sure to come back next week and see who's feathers we'll ruffle next!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later

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