Wednesday, May 17, 2023


We have reached the midway of May CRAZIES!!!  Amazing how quickly we got here, eh?  Summer's getting closer and closer but before that, we need to get through all the art first!  There's three posts left, so let's get to it!  Enjoy...

Lousy peacocks!  They're always stealing the spotlight from those equally deserving cassowaries!  A particularly large, ornamental bird with striking colors, cassowaries are actually quite ornery and have very sharp claws.  If encountered by one, I'd highly recommend looking at it as opposed to touching it!  The Animal Alphabets parade continues this week with another simple entry that denotes I probably didn't have time to do anything more grand.  What can I say?  Sometimes less really is more!

Well, we're halfway there!  Two more posts to go in May and then something REALLY special will come along!  But that's news for another day!  Be sure to come back next week to see what gently floats by.  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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