Wednesday, February 5, 2020


We are back!  And we got our first guest comic of the anniversary!  And surprise surprise, it's by the creator of Picpak Dog: The young, bright and insanely fast Kim Belding, the only cartoonist on the planet who can turn in a guest comic WHILE you are literally asking him!  Kim's one of a kind and could give Sergio Aragones a run for his money!  So sit back and take a good look at this age-appropriate entry!  Enjoy...

Baby Mike and Mindy!  Why didn't I ever think of that?  Probably because Hanna Barbera already ran the gamut of the popular characters as babies/kids trope.  Kim breathes new life into the subgenre though, and as always delivers big laughs from the small tykes!  M&M was all about surrealism and so is Picpak Dog, which is one of the reasons why I love Kim's work so much.  He's an amazing artist and an even more amazing person.  I'm honored to be friends with him and equally honored that he gives so much humor and charm to my characters!  Thanks again Kim!

That's all for today!  We got another guest comic coming up on Friday that'll give you all belly laughs.  BIG belly laughs at that!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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