Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Back again my CRAZIES!!!  Still in a pretty ecstatic state over my new laptop!  Part of me still wonders if this is legit or just some twisted dream.  Since I've definitely posted some stuff recently, I'm gonna say it's real.  Unless it's not, at which point, are any of us truly real?  I'll tell what is real though, this art I'm posting!  So let's shake off this existential nonsense and get to it, sound good?  Enjoy...

Corgis and pugs.  Two of cutest, and spazziest, breeds of dogs you'll ever come across!  I'm not sure what started the more recent corgi revolution, but they sure are everywhere at these days!  Between the short frames, big noses, long ears and stubby butts, corgis are a cartoonist's dream!  And pugs look like living cartoon characters.  Both are naturals for some CRAZY art and luckily, one of the many Twitter art collectives gave me an excuse to work a couple in!  I honestly can't remember whether this one was for Animal Alphabets to Pinch Punch Post or possibly even a dual thing, despite me rarely combing collective pieces.  Either way, it was fun to work on and hopefully Power Pug will find a spot in the Bubble Fox lineup someday.  Cardigan Corgi's already gone on to be a fan favorite and I'm always looking to add another future star!

Well, that's all for now.  We'll be back next time with some little moochers that are sure to melt your heart.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later! 

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