Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Hey hey CRAZIES!!!  May is starting to wind down, but that doesn't mean the fun's going with it.  Quite the opposite actually.  The fun's REALLY kicking into to high gear in a couple of weeks!  But now's not the time for that.  Now is the time for some art.  And I just happen to have some for you fine folks!  Hope y'all are hungry!  Enjoy...

Raccoons.  We all know they're cute, but we also know they're kinda dangerous.  In all my years, I've only seen one living raccoon and it was actually last March.  While out on my nightly walks, I'll usually pet some of the friendlier neighborhood stray cats.  One particular night, I saw a pair of reflective eyes poking out from behind a bush.  I walked up to it with my hand stretched, saying "Here kitty.  Want some pets?"  As it backed up, a nearby porch light revealed a bit more.  I looked at it and said "You probably don't want any pets because you're a raccoon!  A three-legged one at that!"  And then it bolted off as quickly as its three legs would take it!  He was a big S.O.B. too!  Haven't seen a living one since, but I know they're still around.  This theme came from Pinch Punch Post sometime in the fall of 2015.  Raccoons are cartoon naturals, so this one was pretty easy draw.  Hopefully my next raccoon encounter will happen at a time where I can get a better picture and not get bit!

And that's all for today.  We'll be back next month to end May properly and announce some big news that I'm sure will get everyone excited.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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