Wednesday, November 8, 2017


And we are back!  Usually this is about the time I start collecting supplies for my contributions to Thanksgiving Dinner.  Common sense states the longer you wait, the more scarce supplies will be, but in recent years, stores have been well stalked.  I've been to Vons on Thanksgiving morning before.  I've been in bee swarms that were more merciful!  So yeah, I always get my stuff early.  Why risk it?  Anyway, you don't wanna hear about that!  You wanna see Mike & Mindy!  So here they are in living color!  Enjoy...

Uh oh!  Farmer Zeke is here, and he don't look too happy!  Taking a play out of ET's playbook, Mike and Mindy's mountain of stuffed animals are a decent cover up, but is it enough to fool this grizzled farmer?  Only time will tell!

And that's all on the docket for this week's post.  Next week, we strip down to the heart of this epic struggle between farmer and kids and see if Mike and Mindy can pull off another miracle!  Once again, think of others this season.  Donate to a local food/toy/clothing drive today!  Until next time, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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