Wednesday, November 1, 2017


HELLOOOOOOOOOO CRAZIES!!!  November is here, and with it, THANKSGIVING!!!  Okay, I have to settle down.  But how can I?  It's my favorite holiday!  The cooking!  The eating!  Extended time with loved ones!  A parade featuring more bags of hot air than the Oval Office!  It's hard not to get excited about all of this!  But, a post is a post and I am your host, so it's time to make the most!  And boy have I got a surprise for you all!  Two old pals have decided to step in for a few weeks and have some cartoony fun in the spirit of the coming holidays!  Just who you may ask?  Well, scroll down and find out!  That is if the title at the top of the page wasn't a big enough hint!  Enjoy...

Well look who it is!  Mike and Mindy have returned!  And haven't aged a bit!  Being a cartoon character sure does have some big advantages!  No aging, no pain and no bills...  Sign me up for toondom!  Poor Tom Turkey and Sammy Swine have escaped from Farmer Zeke's farm and must be pretty desperate if they went to those two for help!  Can M&M save these bolting barn animals?  Come back next week to see how it goes!

And that's all for this week.  We'll be back next time to see how well the kids are hiding the live stock!  As is tradition here at the CRAZYVERSE, I want to urge all the CRAZIES out there to think of others this holiday season.  Toy, food and clothing drives are already underway in many towns and every little bit helps.  Even something as simple as a dollar in a Salvation Army bucket can make a difference.  Not everyone is fortunate and we should all do our part during the season of giving, so please help.  Anyway, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I just got the 8 bit tee of Mike and Mindy. I'm so in sync.
