Wednesday, July 3, 2013


JULY!!!  Can it already be?  It sure is, which means, fireworks, BBQ's and that oh so awesome event known as Comic Con!  Yep, we are finally here!  It is also the first week of the month, which means Mike and Mindy can come out of hiding for a bit!  Now that they've learned the dangers of playing with fireworks (And sporting some rather patriotic undies in the process), the destructive duo have dusted off the ashes and are ready to entertain the masses! Enjoy...

Talk about falling apart at the seems?  Poor Mindy.  Who knew one little thread could be such a big problem?  And poor Mike.  He really was just trying to be helpful.  Oh well.  At least he's fast!

I'm afraid I gotta cut it short this week folks.  Busy times are ahead, hence the reason no Comic Con pics.  But I promise to deliver a HUGE update next week with a special Comic Con Splash, a Con-themed Mushrooms and LOADS of Con pics!  So tune in next week for more CRAZY fun!  In the meantime, take care, have a safe and fun 4th of July and I'll catch y'all later!

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