Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Welcome to February CRAZIES!!!  Hopefully y'all made it out of January no worse for wear and are ready for some Pink Halloween (Valentine's Day) snuggling!  That or eagerly awaiting the return of Shamrock Shakes if you're in my shoes (Hey, a guy needs something to look forward to, am I right?)!  We're going a little wild for the next few weeks as something big is on the horizon, but more on that when the time is right!  For now, let's go do some bird watching and see what we'll find, sound good?  Enjoy...

Well what d'ya know?  We spotted something right off the bat!  It's Xantu's Hummingbird!  A colorful little bird with its striking emerald head and prominent eye stripes, these guys buzz from flower to flower, sipping nectar while also helping flowers get pollinated!  Animal Alphabets over on Twitter (And now BlueSky too!) picked this bright little pal not too long ago as one of its themes.  It was a fun and simple draw, which I was thankful for.  It came at a really busy time!

Well, one week down in the year's shortest month that somehow always feels like the longest.  Late Winter has a way of making things drag on a bit I suppose, but that's not important now!  We'll be back next week with with new art that might have you singing, so be sure to come back and check it out!  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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