Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Welcome to September CRAZIES!!!  The season of pumpkin spice has officially begun!  Though I myself am not a big fan of coffee, I've got nothing but love for delicious hot chocolate and 'tis the season to drink it!  That and Jersey Mike's hot subs, but enough of that silliness, it's time for some art!  We got a swell stable of critters lined up this month, so let's open up the petting zoo and get started!  Enjoy...

Indian elephants...  Large, gentle, graceful...  And full of more gas than a congressman!  This was a part of Animal Alphabets' weekly drawing themes on Twitter (I don't care what the mealy-mouthed crotch pheasant calls it, it's still Twitter to me out of shear spite!), specifically the letter I.  It's low brow for sure, but dammit, elephants are vegetarians!  There's no way a creature that large eating that much raw plant materials WOULDN'T be farting up a storm!  Just feel bad for the fish!

That's all she wrote for this week, but be sure to come back next week as we spice things ups with a beast that's REALLY energized!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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