Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Another week down, another week closer to the fall!  I must admit, it's hard not to get excited about the coming season.  Aside from the holidays, I just prefer cooler weather!  It's a lot easier to stay warm than cool off I tells ya!  But enough about that, it's still summer time and I got some art to show, though it may be tough to get to!  Oh well, enjoy... 

Poor Gorilla.  That banana is JUST out of reach!  'Course, now this begs the question of can gorillas even swim?  Like humans, they are primates, so in theory they should be able to.  But it's not exactly something they are known for.  Guess that's a question best left for Professor Google!  Once again, today's art came from Animal Alphabets where the theme for G was a Gorilla.  Apes are critters I don't draw often, and boy is it obvious why with this one, but I have gotten better with them.

Well, only one post left this month to hurl at you, but fear not!  I promise we'll end August on a high note, though it may not be a high brow one!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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