Wednesday, June 28, 2023



Well, here we are!  Last week of June and the 4th of July just days away!  So instead of dragging on here, let's just jump right into the pics, sound good?  The year is 2016 and the place, of course, is San Diego!  Make sure the safety pin on your towel cape is properly fastened because the CRAZY COMIC CON COUNTDOWN has been launched!  Enjoy... 

As purposely terrible as the Sharknado movies were, they sure did liven up the festivities outside with their street team!  I really do miss them!

Usually I wouldn't take candy from strangers, but these folks seem trustworthy.

I honestly have no idea what this offsite was for, other than it seemed to be Star Trek-related.  It was built on one of the lawns near the MLK Promenade if memory serves.

There's much to be said about the DCEU coming to an end.  There was a lot of good, but there was also a lot of bad.  At the end of the day, DC just crammed too much into it right off the bat.  You can't run if you haven't learned to walk yet after all.  It's a bummer that certain storylines will never be finished now, but considering all the bad vibes, pulling the plug and starting over from scratch kinda is the best option at the moment.  I'm cautiously optimistic for it.  We'll just have to wait and see.  And yes, this anatomically correct Superman statue caused a bit of a stir.  Cool offsite though.  Had Batmobile photo ops and Wonder Woman crowns for all!

Preview Night's a trip with all the folks waiting upstairs to get in.  I used to join in on this ritual until I decided it was just too much of a hassle.  These days, I run to Lolita's and get lunch and then go do some people watching.  Once the doors open, I stroll right in!

Let's be honest.  Does anybody even remember Son Of Zorn?  I forgot about it until I stumbled across this pic of its FX Zone activation.

The very short-lived ConX.  A very fun offsite that was just a little too far away from the action.

The Goblin King.  Now that's just plain showing off!

Arthur, King of the Britains!  Bring thee a shrubbery!

The Harbor Boardwalk behind the Convention Center is a great spot to people watch and get pics.  Especially when FX plasters a barely appropriate sign across the Hilton Bayfront!

Morticia and Wednesday do a little bonding in the lobby outside of the exhibit hall.

It's Sting!  When he was still remembered fondly!

Damn Tyrone!  Did you not check the weather first?

Lastly, we'll end June with a plea to Conan O'Brien to PLEASE come back!  Screw TBS, just do a show on your own!  We miss you! 

And that was Comic Con 2016!  A very fun show and one of my Top 5 con experiences ever!  The lasting memory I have of it was this shirt I wore on the first day that read "NOBODY FOR PRESIDENT."  It really resonated with a lot of people and I kept getting stopped because people wanted to get pictures with me!  I was flattered but still baffled by it all.  It wasn't part of a costume nor am I famous.  It was a very amusing deal.

And that's a wrap on the month of June CRAZIES, but don't worry because July is gonna be a lot more of the same so be sure to come back next week for more fun from the past!  In the meantime, take care and stay safe, especially this weekend!  Know your limits as far as party beverages are concerned and leave the fireworks to the pros!  I'll catch y'all later!

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