Wednesday, December 28, 2022

We are back CRAZIES!!!  Last post of 2022!  Hard to believe we've come to the new year already.  As you get older, it all seems to go by even faster.  I look back now and can't even believe that both of my brother's kids are adults now.  I was practically changing their diapers a few years ago and now they're in college?  Time really does fly.  I won't drone on too much about the previous year.  Couple of lowlights for sure.  I got Covid, which sucked, but it really could've been so much worse which is why I'll say it again here: Go get vaccinated and boosted!  That's why it wasn't that bad!  My transmission also died, which was a very costly ordeal, but I made it through and got it fixed.  Overall though, 2022 wasn't too bad.  I worked a lot, got to go enjoy some seasonal festivities and best of all, I returned to WonderCon and Comic Con after FAR too many years apart!  The future is what we make of it folks.  Are there bad things out there to deal with?  Yup.  A lot actually.  But we are better than that and we WILL push forward and make things better for all to enjoy in the coming years ahead.  I wish you all a very happy, safe and prosperous New Year and may 2023 be blessed for us all!  Take care CRAZIES.  I'll catch y'all in 2023 with NEW art, NEW stories and NEW Con pics!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all in the not too distant future!  (Next Wednesday AD!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jon, I will keep following your comics here. I left Twitter a couple of weeks ago.
