Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Welcome to March CRAZIES!!!  We're two months into 2022 and things are, well... Much the same.  Some areas are better than others obviously, but there's always room for improvement.  Here at the CRAZYVERSE, the CRAZYVERSARY still floats on as the celebration was so big, it's spilled past its normal month of celebration and into March!  Weird?  Yes, but believe me something really cool is on the horizon that I can't wait to cover!  But more on that in a couple of weeks.  Y'all came here for some inflated Mike & Mindy insanity and I plan on delivering!  So scroll down before they float away!  Enjoy...

For those that haven't been keeping up, last summer I posted this panel from a classic M&M comic as part of the popular "Draw This In Your Style" challenge all across social media.  I was stunned by the sheer number of entries I got from fans and pals all over Twitter!  It's nice to know people still care about the terrible tykes, even though their comic series ended back in 2014.  Today we present the last ten entries I got, bringing us to a grand total of 40!  So put on some extra stretchy clothes and inhale deep, because Mike and Mindy are going on an adventure!  Take it away pals...

Bill Greenhead

Nora Racz

Pat Sandy

David Buist

J.A. Parker

Eline Wagemaker

Corey Kramer

Ted Dawson

Jennifer Cuthbert

Nick Davis

And that's a wrap on this portion of the celebration!  Big thanks again to all my wonderful pals in the Webcomics and Illustration realms who took part in this fun challenge.  M&M ran for five years between 2010 and 2014, and although they never reached the heights or longevity that Bubble Fox has, it's comforting to know they still have fans and are still remembered fondly.  Those years were a lot of fun and if I could relive them again, I would.  I promise to have an even sillier panel ready for this summer's theme!

That's all for this week, but we still have a few CRAZYVERSARY surprises left before launching into ANOTHER very fun event, but that's news for another day!  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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