Wednesday, February 2, 2022



My goodness how time flies...  Has it really been 12 years since I launched what is now the CRAZYVERSE blog so I could have a way to showcase my comics and art after being rejected by MAD Magazine, twice?  It would appear so, and we're going BIG with this year's celebration!  How big you ask?  So big, we're going into March even with the biggest collection of Mike & Mindy fan art ever assembled!  From February of 2010 through December of 2014, these pugnacious tykes ran wild over the blog with monthly mayhem that saw them cause all sorts of trouble and fun along the way.  Despite having ended just over seven years ago, more people seem to be discovering and in some cases even rediscovering them, so I'll always devote February to celebrating my original comic stars.  It was a great ride while their series lasted and continues to get better as they still drop in every now and then!

The above art was particularly fun to draw and color.  Despite having always used markers for colors, I've traditionally always done flat colors by and large because I just plain didn't know any better (There's a reason I'm not at Marvel or DC folks!).  Over the last couple of years though, I've actively tried to get a little more dimensional with my colors while also learning new coloring techniques thanks to the treasure trove of art tutorials that YouTube provides!  It's fun to apply some of these new techniques to my art and I think it's a big plus!  It's also fun to pay homage to the things that inspire me and Dragonball is among my many inspirations.  It's why all my characters have spiky hair!

That's all for this first week of the expanded CRAZYVERSARY!!!  And expanded is a particularly good keyword here as for the next four weeks, we'll be getting an expanded look at one of Mike and Mindy's most memorable comics as interpreted by 40 different pals from the world of comics and illustration!  So be sure to come back and check it out!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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