Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Welcome to August CRAZIES!!!  Hopefully you are all staying safe and finding ways to be occupied.  Not a whole lot of new things to report on any front, but I do have some new (To this blog!) art to share with you all, so why not slip right in, eh?  Enjoy...

Oh Bubble, Bubble, Bubble...  That's no way to treat your friends!  I know you promised Jenna some balloons for her birthday, but wouldn't it have been easier to just buy some instead of inflating Picpak Dog and Mr. Blob?  Of course the answer is YES, but it's much more fun this way!  This was a birthday greeting on Twitter I did for my dear friend, Jenna Belding.  Jenna is the sister of Picpak Dog creator Kim Belding, who's certainly no stranger to these CRAZY parts having done numerous guest comics and fan art over the years.  When it's somebody's birthday, we always try to do a little something for our pals to give them a good laugh and what's funnier than root beer and cartoon balloons?  Hopefully Jenna still remembers this and still gets a good chuckle out of it!

Well, that's all for now.  We'll back next week with some new art that could definitely use a bit of color.  Until then,  take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

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