Wednesday, September 18, 2019


We are halfway past September CRAZIES!!!  I love this time of year so much!  Fall just has a magical way with me and I hope the season's been good to you all as well!  But hey!  It's art time!  So let's get to it, shall we?  Enjoy...

Those darn Potoo Griffins!  Or gryphons.  Gryffins?  Look, these creatures have like ten different spellings.  I can't keep track of them all!  Guess it depends on the cultural origin since many speak of them.  Today's theme again comes from Animal Alphabets.  Since Griffins were the mythical beast they chose, I thought I'd toss in a nod to my pal Cyndi Foster, the wonderful artist behind Oops, the tale of a boy and his rat, his big FAT rat, and the adventures they get into in a medieval world where griffins frequent the land!  The rat in question is Plague, a scoundrel in every sense who usually gets poor mute Oops in trouble.  Potoo Griffin, who's more or less Cyndi's mascot, is a young, silly griffin who's still discovering the world.  And because he's young, his wings don't quite work yet, so he puffed up Plague and road him to snacks galore!  Hopefully, Plague won't let his swollen pride get the better of him this time around!

And that's another week down.  We got one more then its October!  But we still gotta finish off September, so be sure to come back and we'll send the ninth month of the year off in proper fashion.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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