Monday, March 25, 2019


WOOOOOOOOOO!!!  IT'S HERE!!!  WONDERCON 2019!!!  It's like Christmas in Spring!  Okay, okay, gotta get a grip here.  There's still a post to be done, so why don't we just jump back a couple of years and head to WonderCon 2017, sound good?  Great!  Enjoy...

Kirk's certainly been busy! 

The Gizmonic Institute seems like a nice place to work at, but a couple of those scientists there just seem to have really dishonorable intentions!

Johnny Bravo!  He says he's pretty! 

Mork from Ork!  Looking for the food truck selling pork! 

It just ain't an Anaheim Comic Con without some Disney villains on hand! 

Jareth always turns up in the least Goblin-like places!

Azkaban Prison must not be that well guarded if Sirius Black keeps escaping!  Do the Arkham guards moonlight there too?

Schroeder serenaded us with some deep cuts while taking a break from his shift at Knott's Berry Farm!

It's only a flesh wound! 

Ruby + Sapphire = Garnet! 

Sexy Chucky...  Whatever floats your boat I suppose!

"On the half-shell there the turtles four
In this day and age who can ask for more?!?" 

The Dude and Walter abide!

Indy's ready to deal! 

No wisecracks here.  This is straight-up one of the most dead-on accurate cosplays I've ever seen! 

Patty, Doug and Porkchop!  Love to see families having a good time together! 

Party on Wayne!  Party on Garth! 

He just felt like running! 

We end things today with Little Bob Ross!  Not sure what sparked the whole recent  Bob Ross craze, but I like it!  He was a positive man with a positive message.  Glad to see people appreciate that.

And that was WonderCon 2017!  My first year not tabling there and I have no regrets.  It could be stressful at times and now has just gotten too expensive.  I'm much happier just walking around, seeing the sights and taking LOTS of pics!  Maybe down the road, I'll give it another try.

And that's it for this week and a wrap on March!  I'm posting a little earlier this week so folks can take all the past glory in a bit longer before the big weekend!  I'm not tabling nor at (the moment) scheduled to be on any panels, but the latter can always change, so keep an eye on my Twitter feed (@JonsCrazyTweets) for any updates!  I should also note that given the nature of having tens of thousands of people crammed into a giant slab of concrete all at one time, cell reception's gonna be spotty at best, so updates may not be all that frequent.  Speaking of patience, it's a big show with lots of people, so try to be understanding and considerate of others.  We're all fans just trying to have a good time and it's easy for tempers to flare.  But if we all just be patient and kind, there's no reason we all can't have a good time!  Take care and I'll see y'all at WonderCon!

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