Wednesday, January 9, 2019


And we're back!  It's time to jump back into the CRAZY world of art as we continue this look at random sketches I drew a few years ago and have only just now gotten to polishing and posting, hence the reason all of these are signed 2015.  So with that, let's sit back and dive in!  Enjoy...

The Lion.  The King of the Beasts.  The most regal of the big cats.  A lion's roar strikes fear into any and all that hear it.  Their farts have been known to scare away crowds too!  Don't recall what I was thinking when I came up with this idea, but I do believe Pinch Punch Post, who originated the lion theme, had given it such a royal hype job that I knew I had to knock the King of the Jungle down a few pegs!  Regardless, this got some big laughs on Twitter and I'm happy it's finally getting the blog treatment this week!

And that's all she wrote for this week.  We'll be back next time with some chilly art for a chilly month!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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