Wednesday, August 29, 2018


August has reached its stopping point.  Well, it will on Friday at least, but today is the last post of the month so for our purposes, August ends in a few paragraphs!  That relaxing art you see just above THIS paragraph signals that Bubble Fox and his critter pals will be going on their annual September vacation!  We got a great lineup of Guest artists ready and waiting, so be sure to check out all the fun over on the ComicFury site over the coming weeks!

And now it's time to wrap up our Web Comic Salute as we pay homage to a big party animal and monster who could give Beetlejuice and Maurice a real run for their money in the old attitude department!  Scroll down and let the good times roll!  Enjoy...

Why, it's Mook!  The sock-eating, color-changing, barking spider-wrangling pal of Wayne from Josh Hauke's Tales Of The Bothers 3!  Ever wonder why socks go missing?  It has nothing to do with dryers sucking them into lint traps.  It's all the work of hungry monsters who absolutely love the taste of filthy socks!  And there's no greater sock thief in the free world today than Mook, who's lucky to share a house with three wild boys that are always up to something!  It's amazing Mook's even able to keep such a lean figure with all the socks he routinely devours!

And that's all she wrote for the month of August!  Although Bubble and pals are going on a break, the ol' CRAZYVERSE blog will still be up and kicking because, well, these toons are relatively easy to get done compared to Bubble Fox.  Plus, it's just not in me to go into full Sleep Mode here!  So be sure to come back and see what's in store!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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