Wednesday, July 4, 2018


July is here my CRAZIES!!!  And with it...  COMIC CON 2018!!!  Well, in a few weeks anyway.  The CRAZY COMIC CON COUNTDOWN is still in full swing though, and I feel no need to stall things, so let's jump right in, shall we?  Rufus has come and loaned me his time-traveling telephone booth so that we can travel back to 2014 and take a look at the fun of the past!  Comic Con 2014 is a go!  Enjoy...

I can't share these behind-the-scenes pics as they happen due to security at the Convention Center and the honor code among us workers that we won't share any first looks until after the con starts.  That's why I love doing these blog posts!  They're long after the cons happen, so nothing can be spoiled at this point!  This is a rare look at Hall H as it's being put together from the House Right (Stage Left) side of the hall.  Hall H has certainly come a long way since its very humble beginnings as merely a few screens and a stage.  Now,  it's a multimedia extravaganza with 3D projection, fog machines, LED walls, moving stages and wall-to-wall projection and sound!  And this really all started a mere five years ago because I set up the initial 3D upgrade in 2009 and even then it was still pretty simple layout.  Lord only knows what's planned for this year's show, but with Sony and Warner Bros being the only major film studios with panels, Hall H might actually be accessible this year!

Guess you can add Teletubbies to the list of things that will survive the Apocalypse, along Twinkies, cockroaches and Cher.

This dinosaur seems a little TOO happy to be interacting with fans!

The always fun Petco Park Interactive Zone!  This year, it's getting a MAJOR upgrade into the Experience At Petco Park!  Not much to report on yet other than it's staying open later, adding more food trucks, a beer garden AND a stage!  Given its history, I think we can all expect to be pleasantly surprised!

Chair-Face Chippendale!  Nice to see some villains from The Tick get cosplayed!

You can't see this but I'm totally doing the Thriller dance as I type this!

It's hard out here for a droid!

Some very well-rounded Pacman cosplay!

 They Live in Pulp Fiction!  That's a really convincing Sam Jackson too!

The much beloved and missed Xbox Lounge!  No word yet on if it'll be back this year, but we can always hope!  Microsoft really knew how to put on a good show for the fans!

The imfamous Gotham zipline!  Some folks waited up to eight hours to go on it.  I don't deny that it looked like fun, but that's an insane amount of time to wait for something.  Hell, the Game Of Thrones experience at the Omni Hotel saw the same kind of waits and some of those folks NEVER even got in!  I guess the lesson here is pick your offsite experiences carefully.  Way the risk/reward factor.

The amount of effort some folks put into their costumes is jaw dropping.  Certainly makes me feel like an amateur as I stumble through my niece's cosplay armor for this year's show.

Ran into Doctor Who at The Field!  He enjoyed a Banger Burger and serving of Sheppard's Pie!

And we close out this first post of July with the Redneck Avengers!  Gotta admit, Redneck Hawkeye with the mullet and plunger arrows is pretty damn funny!

And so ends our look back at Comic Con 2014!  A fun show that had some of the best offsite experiences ever!  Also had some of the wildest cosplay I've ever seen.  Lots of giant costumes, as witnessed in some of today's pics.  Of course, my lasting memory of this particular Con was being in the room for the Mattel/WWE panel and seeing Sting FINALLY make his WWE debut!  Granted, it would've been cooler 15 years earlier, but hey, in this day and age where even wrestling's more predictable than ever, it's nice to be there when history is actually made!

And that's all for this week folks.  July's off to a great start and we got even MORE cool SDCC fun coming your way, so be sure to come back next week!  And since today's July 4th, please be safe and have fun this Independence Day.  Leave the fireworks to the professionals!  Anyway, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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