Wednesday, March 29, 2017


WOOOOOOOOO!!!  WONDERCON IS 2017 IS HERE!!!  So much time and so little to do!  Wait a minute, that's totally wrong!  Okay, just gotta calm down...  Alright, mind is calm.   WOOOOOOO!!!  Sorry folks, I'm just really excited about going back to WonderCon after two years away!  Today, we're looking back at WonderCon 2014.  T'was a rough weekend for me to be honest, but things have gotten better since then and I can now look back and laugh at it a little.  I think we could all use a laugh right now, so let's cut the jibber jabber and get to the pics!  Enjoy...

There and back and again, this hobbit passed by many times!

 Josie's gone solo!

Johnny Bravo!  This dude is a pretty popular cosplayer around SoCal.  Always a joy to see what he comes up with at each show!

Some father/daughter bonding over the beloved Doctor Who!  Comic Cons bring families together!

Princess Jasmine!  You know?  For being right across the street from Disneyland, WonderCon hasn't seen a whole lotta Disney cosplay over the years.

Dick Tracy... Still waiting on a sequel.

The Fairy Godmother granted many wishes that night, but free tickets weren't among them.


As of this typing, no word yet on whether or not there's a Green Ranger teaser in the Power Rangers reboot.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes.  Rita's staff is the key to my logic here.

It is so rare to see Dana cosplay at cons!  These Ghostbusters get mad street cred!

Oh my glob!  It's homeless Lumpy Space Princess!

"Radar about to be... JAMMED!!!"

Just moments after this picture was taken, Lemongrab swooped in and tried to solve him!

Who knew that Mordecai and Rigby belonged to the Leaf Village?

Damn!  The One Ring is even worse than meth!

And so ends another week of WonderCon bliss!  Which is ironic given that the 2014 edition of it was an utter disaster for me.  Nothing went right at all at my table.  At was a harsh and humbling lesson but it did reap one useful benefit.  I learned that sketch cards are a good way to make quick sales!  I guess sometimes we all really do need that swift kick in the ass.

Alright folks, WonderCon starts on Friday!  I won't have a table this year but that isn't to say I won't have a treat or two for anyone who recognizes me!  Keep an eye on my Twitter feed for more info as it comes!

And that's all she wrote for March!  We will be back next week with a look at WonderCon 2015 to kick off April!  For those of you going to the show please be safe, courteous, cautious and alert.  Many people will be on the move in a relatively small space, so it's easy for tempers to flare.  If we all just move along and be mindful and respectful of one another, there's no reason it won't be a lot of fun for all.  So take care and I'll catch y'all at WonderCon!

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