Wednesday, January 4, 2017


What's up CRAZIES!  We're back with a new post on a new day in a new week in a new month in a brand spanking new year!  That's a whole lotta new we're talking about here!  We all know by now what a difficult year 2016 was.  But this is a new slate.  Will there be bumps in the road?  Most certainly.  There always is.  But hey, it's nothing we can't handle, right?  We'll get through it all and together, make 2017 the best ever!  So let's put aside the past and start fresh!  After all, we're only a few weeks away from the start of the con season!

Anyhoo, that's enough banter.  It's time for some art! Enjoy...

Labyrinth is one of my all time favorite films and one of Jim Henson's greatest masterpieces for sure.  When the Daily Doodle did a few themes devoted to the movie a while back, I knew I had to join in!  The first theme was Ludo, the gentle giant who controls rocks.  Ludo was a character I could really relate to as a kid because, like me, he was big, slow and just wanted peace.  Years later, I would have a giant boxer dog named Buddy who exhibited many of these same traits.  Most giants are gentle souls.

Well, that's all for today.  We'll be back next time with another character from Labyrinth to hopefully help make the transition to 2017 a little smoother.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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