Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Wow!  Final week of January already!  One month down, 11 more to go!  Hopefully this year is off to a far better start than last January was!  I wrote this weeks ago, so I have no real way of knowing at the moment!  Anyway, may as well end the month in a gassy, er, classy manner, so let's get to it!  Enjoy...

These gophers are killing the ozone!  Another one from the Daily Doodle, this theme asked to have fun with the letter G, and since there aren't enough farting gophers in the funny pages these days, I decided it was time to remedy that!  I'm sure a little pal of mine who lives across the pond will get a big kick out of this one!  As will any frat boy waking up from a massive hangover!

And that's all she wrote for January!  Hope y'all enjoyed the art.  We'll be back next time with some new art to start February off on the right track!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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