Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Okay, that's really more of a question, but it does explain the really short post today.  You see, time hasn't been on my side much as of late.  So much so that it's two days before posting starts and I only just now had a few minutes to type this up!  Fear not, more posts are coming, but due to time constraints, the long-promised look back at Long Beach Comic Con 2016 will have to wait until next week.  In the mean time, I do have something pretty cool to show off, so let's dive in, shall we?  Enjoy...

Y'all might recognize this as The Riddler.  I was recently asked to take part in the Cheeky Charlie charity which is helping to raise money for a little boy in England named Charlie who requires a wheelchair due to spinal muscular atrophy type 2.  Charlie's a big fan of Batman and his notorious rogues' gallery, so we were all asked to draw characters of the Dark Knight with hopes of selling prints to raise money for Charlie's wheelchair.  Felt kinda weird drawing a villain for a charity drive, but Edward Nigma is just too much campy fun to pass up!  If you'd like to help out or learn more, click any of the links in this paragraph.  This link here will take you to the main shop while you can find my print with this link here!

And that's all for this week!  Sorry for not doing any kind of grand October welcoming.  Just had too many things happen at once.  Next week will be more fun as I'll be covering this year's trip to Long Beach Con!  Also gonna be a bit different as there will be no new art.  Don't fret though.  I haven't stopped drawing.  Just testing out some potential format changes.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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