Wednesday, August 24, 2016


And we're back!  We got a double dose of fun in store today with the baddest of the bad Golden Ticket winners, Verruca Salt and Mike Teevee!  So let's "snap" to it and jump in!  Enjoy…

Ah Verruca and Mike.  Such devilishly hatable little turds!  In all versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, these two are without question the most despicable of the kids who got to see the factory.  While Augustus and Violet had very minor flaws, these two brats were ripe for a heavy dose of reality! And as you can see, Willy Wonka is happy to deliver it to them!  The reason these two share a page is rather simple really.  I had to work and missed one of the Daily Doodle's themes.  So, I just combined them!  I think it worked out pretty nicely!  I killed two birds with one stone… Just like Mr. Wonka!

And that's all she wrote for today!  We'll close out next week with the big winner of the Golden Tickets as well as with some news on Bubble Fox's vacation!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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