Wednesday, February 17, 2016


And we're back!  Just plowing through February aren't we?  Hopefully San Diego Comic Fest was a fun experience that I'll be able to share with you all soon!  Like I said, I queue these weeks in advance.  I'm like TNA Wrestling, only still on my original network!  Anyway, on with the art…

I have long been a fan of the shows and movies of Monty Python.  So when Sketch Dailies picked the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail as their theme one day, I knew I had to grab a pencil and sketch book!  A hilarious film that really makes no sense, the silly nature of it always appealed to me.  From the Knights Who Say "Nee" to the abrasive French guards, I just can't get enough.  And one of the first viral videos I ever saw, I'm talking pre-YouTube here, was Lego Monty Python back in 2001 on iFilm!  Talk about old?  We didn't even have Flash players yet!  Thank God for streaming.  WMP, Quicktime and Real Player were all crap back then!

Well, that's all for now.  We'll close February out with some psychedelic art from Wonderland.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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