Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Welcome to February CRAZIES!  Normally, this would've marked the start of the CRAZYVERSARY, but alas, Mike and Mindy are no more and thus things need to move on.  But's what's this?  Some M&M fan art?!  Well I'll be!

My good pal Dustin Pike tweeted me this wonderful art on New Year's Day!  It captures the spirit of Mike and Mindy quite nicely!  As you can see, they haven't slowed down at all in their retirement!  Thanks again Dustin!  To see more of his funny and amazing art, follow this blue text

Next up is the first blog toon of the month!  It combines two of my favorite things: Wrestling and The Princess Bride!  Enjoy...

It's Fezzik!  At some point in 2014, Sketch Dailies did a Princess Bride week.  I was only able to do one day because of work, but at least I had the time to draw it on the day they picked my favorite character: Fezzik!  Played by the late Andre the Giant, Fezzik was a gentle soul who preferred the simpler things in life.  Not much of a stretch for Andre to play him really.  In the ring, Andre was an impressive wrestler.  At 7ft-5in tall and over 500lbs., he could be quite scary to see.  Outside of the ring, however, he was a fun-loving guy always living life to it's fullest.  He travelled the world wrestling everywhere and in 1987, he and Hulk Hogan set a record for indoor attendance at WrestleMania III.  Andre never let his condition stop him from enjoying life.  He set a good example to follow.

Well, that's all for now.  I'll be back next time with some party animals and some info on my only Con appearance this year, so be sure to come back!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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