Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Welcome to 2016 my CRAZIES!!!  I certainly hope y'all had a great holiday season and had a lot of fun times with friends and loved ones.  It's time to start a new chapter of CRAZY, and what better way to get started than by jumping right in?  Enjoy the first new art of the year...  

This theme came from the Daily Doodle, which was, if memory serves, a "Raccoon Dad."  It's one of my more simpler toons, but one I love a lot.  It's a very sweet piece I feel.

Well, that's all for now.  New Year's just gotten started and things are looking like they're gonna be very busy!  But I'll still be back next time with a small post that'll deliver some large laughs!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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