Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Well well!  Look who's back!  Mike and Mindy have come and they wanna party!  PANTS PARTY that is!

Pants party?  More like Underpants Party!  This theme came from the Daily Doodle, which was "Pants Party."  In England, underwear is called "pants," and pants are called "trousers."  The Daily Doodle is based out of England and they are some rather proper chaps, so they put out this wild theme that produced many funny entries!  Inspiration wasn't hard to find here.  As a babysitter in my teens, there were many times I had to chase one of my cousins who decided to make a run for it come bath time.  I swear those goofy kids loved watching me sweat!  Asthmatics can't run very fast.  Needless to say, I always made sure exit points were secured after my aunt and uncle took off!

Well, that's all for now.  We'll be back next time with another pal stopping by for some "loud" fun.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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