Wednesday, April 8, 2015


We're back CRAZIES!!!  Was WonderCon great?  How should I know?  I cue these up WEEKS in advance!  Guess we'll know by the time I do the May updates!  (Or by any Twitter rants I may have already had!)  But enough trying to predict the future and possibly open worm holes!  I'm back to inking some pencil sketches I did last year!  So let's "Charge" on and see what my pens drew this time...

 This sketch was originally done last May I believe for the Daily Doodle.  The theme that day was "Draw A Viking Boy," so I did!  This one was fun to sketch and had a lot of people laughing.  It seemed like something I would have done as a kid (CRAZY's not just a gimmick folks!), and in fact, many parents told me on Twitter that they too had gone chasing after their kids after they decided to go on an undies run of their own!  To be young and carefree again.  Those were the days!

Well, that's all for now.  We'll be back next week with another inked sketch for all to enjoy.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

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