Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Welcome back CRAZIES!!!  It's day two of the CRAZYVERSARY and J.A. Parker has stopped by to "Hang Out" for a bit!  Enjoy…

Man, those two are just never gonna learn to stop screwing with Wedgie Monster are they?!  I mean, IT'S IN HIS FRIGGIN' NAME EVEN!!!  Some fools just can't be taught I suppose.

J.A. Parker is one of the most prolific young cartoonists on the web today.  Between his work on Achoo, Manimals and Lumbersexual, I'm trying to figure out how he found the time to work on this piece!  He's also a good friend and a big booster of the web comics community.  J.A. had mentioned to me how funny he thought Wedgie Monster was and asked why he had so few appearances in the comics.  I honestly have no good answer there as monsters played a rather large role in the early years of the CRAZYVERSE.  In Wedgie Monster's case, you can only give so many before it becomes passé.  In any event, J.A. has brought this beast back in all his tight whitey-yanking glory!  Just wonder what they did to him THIS time to rattle his horns?  Thanks again J.A.  You really "Pulled" off a classic here!

And day two is up!  Hump Day brings on my pal Ryan Klassen's effort, which will leave you all "Mystified!"  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wedgie monster is awesome - beautifully done, love it :)
