Friday, February 14, 2014


And we're done with Week Two!  Time sure does fly don't it?  We're halfway through the CRAZYVERSARY already!  And who better to hit the midpoint with than Vinnie The Vampire creator Tim Green!  Enjoy...

Broken hearts lead to smelly far... Well, you get the idea!  Love/Hate has always been the best way to describe these two.  And nobody understands that better than Tim!

Tim Green is the brain behind the always amazing Vinnie The Vampire, one of the best comics on the web!  Tim is a true master of character development and always delivers masterful work every week.  He's done guest work for me and I for him and it's always a blast to draw his characters!  Thanks again Tim.  'Til next time my friend!

Well, that's a wrap for Week Two!  We got a killer lineup for next week, so brace yourselves!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all next time!

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