Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The CRAZYVERSARY continues!  Michelle Hernandez has come by to play today, and because it ain't much of a party without balloons, we were able to get Mike and Mindy's favorite "Windbag" to make an appearance!  And those two better appreciate it!  FT's services don't come cheap!  (Me and Michelle gotta pay for that twerp's braces now!)

How thoughtful of FT to take her little pals on a trip around the Country.  She always has been one to "Expand" her horizons! (All kidding aside, she really has experienced a lot in her 12 years on this planet!)  Too bad she landed in the Great hole!  I really ought to cover that thing up.  I keep meaning to do it, but then I see something sparkly and completely lose focus!

This strip came courtesy of the lovely Michelle Hernandez of Kat Daycare.  Michelle and I are both very close with FT, so much so that we recognize her as our little "Sister!" (Poor kid!)  After Mike and Mindy puffed up their pal last Fall, Michelle decided to revisit that strip, but add a more friendly flair to it.  She also achieved the near impossible: SHE GOT THEM TO TALK!!! Why is it that everybody BUT me seems to be able to pull off this feat?  Anyway, Michelle is one of my closest friends.  Another Twitter savior, she too helped me get through those recent rough times.  She truly is a doll and a brilliant artist.  I could write a book about how great Michelle is!

Alright folks, that's all for today.  We got another great bit from Michelle coming in tomorrow, featuring a very "Revealing" piece on Mindy in honor of Valentines Day!  Until then, catch y'all later!

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