Monday, February 11, 2013


And so it continues!  Week 2 of the epic CRAZYVERSARY celebration! Got a lot of great 'toons lined up this week, so strap in and enjoy the ride!

Today's Guest Strip come from my good friend, Atlanta's own Tim Green.  Enjoy!

Many have wondered just how far back Mike and Mindy really go.  Now you know.  Looks like these two were born to be together!  And they even learned a valuable lesson about sharing.  Don't get much cuter than that!

Tim Green is the creator of the awesomely funny Vinnie the Vampire comic, a must read for anybody that enjoys laughing!  He's also one of the nicest cartoonists you'll ever meet and a real pleasure to chat with on Twitter.  When I first saw this, I laughed hard for a good ten minutes straight!  The mere thought of Mike and Mindy as baby's was simply brilliant! Needless to say, I was jealous for not having thought of it first!  Thanks again Tim for doing such a funny Guest Strip.  I'll no doubt be stealing your "Characters as Babies" idea in the near future!

Well folks, that's all for today.  We'll be back tomorrow with some more Mike and Mindy Fan Art from another good friend.  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all tomorrow!

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